Saturday, March 30, 2013

Tokyo Anime Fair

YAY! Nerd-girl half jumps! Dustin and I like anime, but living in Japan has made our fondness of fun storylines and beautiful artwork grow to marveling at the technology and animation styles. This exhibit was open to the public for two days and we didn't want to miss it.

Tokyo Big Sight in Odaiba
Even the exhibit hall was fantastic. Amazing architecture both inside and out. And HUGE. Once inside we stowed our backpacks in lockers and entered the event hall. So many booths! So many nerd girl screams!
Ocarina of Time

Collector's Figurines

Animation drop-in classes
Toei Animation - a favorite

One Piece - HUGE in Japan

My favorite section was animation from Toyota. It was all interactive, but user input created different story lines. For example, light pressure might cause the character to something different than if you gave it a hard poke.

Open the door fast or slow. Rattle the handle. Soft knocks, hard knocks. All different animation responses.

The Original

After a few hours we started getting hungry. Dustin had a hot dog wrapped in naan. The picture didn't come out too well though. After a quick lunch we grabbed coffee from the Gundham Cafe. Nerd girl scream #178.

An excellent morning filled with visiting all the booths, seeing all the shows, playing all the games, and eating tasty food.

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